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Feb 19th, 2013

Still can’t get the weight off? This might be odd, but perhaps your home is making you fat,  by ruining your diet and exercise plans. Here’s how: You know your home is making you fat if You have an open floor plan Many people love an open floor setup because it’s convenient. The problem is […]

Feb 18th, 2013

It’s easy to blame sugar-sweetened drinks for the increase of Type 2 diabetes cases in the United States. However, a new study suggests that sugar-free diet drinks can also raise the risk for the disease. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that diet soda linked to type 2 diabetes For […]

Feb 15th, 2013

Is walking throughout the day better than going to the gym. While working out in a gym can get your heart pumping, a new study claims that walking throughout the day may actually be more beneficial to your health. According to the study, recently published in the journal PLOS ONE, long periods of low intensity […]

Feb 14th, 2013

Work stress is rising and costing American companies a lot of money. It is estimated that 80% of health care costs are stress related. People deal with stress in different ways. You might need to do more than just one thing in dealing with work stress effectively, here are some of them: Meditate before leaving […]

Feb 12th, 2013

Workouts can be performed at any time of the day and provide the same health benefits. Fitness experts recommend that you should perform your exercises at the same time each day, at a time that’s right for you. However, doing your workouts early in the day has several advantages over doing them at a later […]

Feb 7th, 2013

Daytime snacks can help space your caloric requirements evenly helping you avoid eating very heavy meals. However, it can also get out of control and can lead you to consume unwanted calories. Late night snacks are usually driven by cravings or habit and not by hunger. Here are simple ways to help you curb late […]

Jan 30th, 2013

Starting a fitness routine may be a difficult ordeal, but just stick with the plan and you’ll overcome it eventually. You’ll be healthier, sleep better, and have more energy if you exercise regularly. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there; you may reach your roadblock, especially when you stick with the same routine. The experience is different […]

Jan 28th, 2013

As many as 17 percent of women and 6 percent of men have experienced the debilitating pain of migraine. Some people who get migraines have warning symptoms, called an aura, before the actual headache begins. Research shows that women who have migraines accompanied by their distinctive aura symptoms are at greater risk of having a […]

Jan 23rd, 2013

Many people give up their fitness goals because they lack motivation. They do not see the desired results right away so they stop exercising. However, exercise creates different results for different people. You might be on your way to success but don’t know it yet. Here are five important signs you know you’re doing the […]

Jan 22nd, 2013

Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which the quality and density of the bones are reduced. As bones become more brittle and fragile, the risk of fracture is greatly increased. Related fractures commonly happen in the hip, wrist and spine. Osteoporosis can occur in both men and women and at any age, but is most […]

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