May 10th, 2013
The Affordable Care Act of the Obama Administration is designed to provide affordable and comprehensive health insurance to millions of Americans. An important part of this law is the setting up of health insurance exchanges. Proponents of the law say that the exchanges will create competition among health insurance companies and drive prices down. However, […]
May 7th, 2013
The debate about whether or not the government should get involved in private health insurance issues may be far from over. However, when the United States Supreme Court voted to uphold the new healthcare law, healthcare coverage essentially became mandatory for all citizens. It is interesting to see how the administration will go about implementing […]
May 6th, 2013
Sick people who have a Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) are at risk of losing their health coverage because of cost increases, state officials say. Denying Health Coverage to those with medical conditions Under the Obama administration’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, people with serious medical problems can no longer be denied health coverage […]
May 3rd, 2013
Living in New York without health insurance puts you at a great risk of bankruptcy. Simple health problems like a mild allergy can cost several hundred dollars and a major injury or illness can set you back thousands of dollars. On Oct. 1, New York’s Health Benefit Exchange will open shop, which allows New York’s […]
May 2nd, 2013
Too much sugar in the diet can cause several health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Americans are heeding the call to cut down on sugar consumption, but a new government report suggests that many still consume way too much sugar and might not even know it. Contrary to popular belief, most sugary […]
Apr 26th, 2013
A marijuana pills provides greater pain relief, with fewer side-effects than when a person smokes it, according to a study conducted by researchers at Columbia University in New York and published in the Journal Neuropsychopharmacology. Smoking marijuana carries health risks, for it carries carcinogens and respiratory irritants and users tend to inhale deeply and hold […]
Apr 25th, 2013
Dietary antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, are known to aid in the prevention of some cancers. Additionally, dietary antioxidants help protect people from cardiovascular disease. Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an important manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis that is characterized by obstruction of the arteries in the lower limbs. Experimental and epidemiological […]
Apr 23rd, 2013
Eggs have often been described as being bad for health due to their high cholesterol content, but recent research has suggested they are healthier than previously believed. Researchers have found new evidence that a component of egg whites have another beneficial effect in reducing blood pressure. The study was presented at the National Meeting & […]
Apr 22nd, 2013
Your pulse may tell you how long you’ll live. A new study from Denmark suggests that people with faster heart rates have higher risks of early death, regardless of their fitness level. The finding provides more evidence of the dangers of having faster resting heart rates among men and women. What’s the problem with having […]
Apr 18th, 2013
Women who go braless may have the right idea, new research suggests. Jean-Denis Rouillon claims that bras are not needed, and might be doing women’s figures more harm than good. Professor Rouillon, a sports scientist from the University of Franche-Comte in Besancon, eastern France, spent 15 years studying 130 women with different bust sizes. His […]