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Feb 11th, 2013

Daily physical activities like gardening, climbing the stairs, or cleaning the house can be have the same health benefits as a regular exercise, a new study said. Researchers from Oregon State University assessed the lifestyles of more than 6,000 American adults and found that living an active life can also help prevent high blood pressure, […]

Feb 8th, 2013

Diet linked to sleep patterns, A recent study has concluded. Your diet plays a major role in how much sleep you get, a recent study said.The study, published in the journal Appetite, is the first to show a link between nutrition and sleep duration. It also revealed that those who eat a wide variety of foods […]

Feb 6th, 2013

Current studies show TV Linked to lower sperm count:Adult males who spend more time in front of the TV each week are likely to have lower sperm counts than men who seldom watch TV, according to a recent study conducted by the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The same study also found that moderate to […]

Feb 5th, 2013

Warning! Men who regularly take calcium supplements have a 20 percent greater risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, a recent study says. Many adult men and women take calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis. The study, which investigated calcium intake, noted that the risk of dying from heart disease was higher for men but not for […]

Feb 4th, 2013

A study in the journal Head and Face Medicine discussed  the possibility that stress  may cause teeth grinding, also known as  sleep bruxism (SB). Finding that it was especially common to people who deal with stress the negative way and most especially to those who use ‘escape’ as their coping-strategy. Sleep bruxism (SB) is a […]

Feb 1st, 2013

A new term exists in the over the counter prescription market, acetaminophen abuse. Overuse of acetaminophen, a common ingredient in prescription and over-the-counter drugs used to treat fever and provide pain relief may cause liver damage, the United States Food and Drug Administration warns. Acetaminophen can be found in over 600 medicines, and can be safe and […]

Jan 31st, 2013

It seems like every year we learn more about the health benefits of quitting smoking. It reduces the risks for heart disease, several cancers, and premature death. If improving your health does not sound as appealing, maybe saving a lot of cash can finally make you quit the nasty habit. “Obesity and smoking have large […]

Jan 29th, 2013

Proper sleep helps you lose weight and may be the best weapon you have to fight obesity. A number of studies suggest that having a good sleep routine is important to help lose some weight. A study from the Mayo Clinic shows that sufficient sleep is needed to keep our calorie intake on track. “Research […]

Jan 25th, 2013

We may be losing the war on microbes as our antibiotics are becoming ineffective against them. Humanity may be facing a bigger threat than global warming, said Sally Davies, England’s Chief Medical Officer. “It is clear that we might never see global warming. The apocalyptic scenario is that, if I need a new hip in […]

Jan 24th, 2013

Smokers who quit before the age of 40 can live nearly as long as those who never smoked at all, a recent analysis of U.S. health records has found. In the United States, cigarette smoking causes about 1 in every 5 deaths or about 443,000 deaths annually, this includes deaths caused by secondhand smoke. On […]



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