Family Health Plus: How do I apply for the plan?
Oct 15th, 2009
Unlike many other plans to apply for the Family Health Plus Plan for health insurance you will be required to have a personal interview at which time you will also be required to complete an application form and provide various pieces of information. At the same time, you will be expected to pick which health plan you are interested in being covered under. It is important at this time to know which plan your current doctor is covered under and which facilities and services will work best for both you and your family members. The Family Health Plus plan has special facilitators for enrolment available near your work or home location to make the enrolment process easier for you and to answer your questions, and some of these facilitators are even available after hours and on weekends, at locations throughout the State, to ease your concerns.
Often local social services officers and district representative are available to help you with your application into the Family Health Plus Plan, as well. Either of these facilitators will be happy to make an appointment with you and to help you make your choice of health plan, as well as complete your application form.
During your interview with the facilitator, you will be asked questions about your family, income, resources, illnesses, injuries, housing expenses, residency, and other health insurance. You will have to supply proof of residency, social security number, proof of birth, proof of resources, as well as other documentation as required by the facilitator. After the application is complete, the facilitator will let you know if you are eligible and if you qualify for the health plan, you chose.
You will receive a letter notifying you that you are eligible and what health plan you have chosen, as well as a welcome letter and your member ID card in the mail. If you require services before your member ID card arrives, you can use your welcome letter in its place at the doctors, clinic, or hospital in your health plan. You will also receive a handbook about your health plan, which will explain to you what services you are covered for and how to get health care. After that, you will receive a Benefit Identification Card, which will give; you access to your prescription drug benefits.
This can take up to two months to complete. For additional information, contact Family Health Plus at 1-877-934-7587.
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