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Feb 2nd, 2012

All employers across the country from small businesses to large corporations are continuing to brace and hold their breath to see how the coming years develop now that the health reform bill is taking hold. They are in agreement that this is not going to be a prosperous or profitable year, but each one is […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Many employers of large corporations have utilized the last two months of each year to offer open enrollment period insurance to their full time employees and some to their part time employees. The stress levels and anger, on the part of the employees is heard loud and clear because of the confusion of what is an […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Verifying employment status for the freelance and self-employed entrepreneur can be very difficult. This is a topic that is seldom discussed out in the open, but becomes a major issue when the freelance and self-employed entrepreneur wants to apply for a business loan and for self-employed health insurance. If it feels like you are jumping […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Before the passage of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, there was a variety of ways for all citizens in each state of the union to receive and benefit from the medical care that was in place. Most states had Medicaid health insurance plans that were specific for children of all ages, our senior […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Written into the health pages of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is a little known and understood passage for the federal government to penalize the sanctity of marriage. Now, of course, there is no congressional representative who will openly admit to this, but it was written in just the same. This small, out […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The pride and joy of the government has been recently born and it is incrementally causing havoc from coast to coast. We the people are now expected to purchase an insurance policy not that will help we the people, but that will fill the half-empty coffers of the government pockets. So the federal government has […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Anorexia health treatment is dependent upon how much coverage an individual possesses with their low cost health insurance policy. Anorexia is another issue with the insurance providers, which is considered to be a self-inflicted pre-existing health condition. The insurance providers have difficulties with coverage for anorexia because this can reoccur at any point in time […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Families who have a son or daughter in need of rehabilitation health understands how difficult a process it is to convince the child they require assistance. It all begins by discussing with your insurance provider the care options that are available under your affordable health insurance policy. Before rehabilitation health clinics become a part of […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Wrapped inside the pages of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a passage that reflects upon how long-term medical care will be dealt with in the future years to come. There is a passage that represents the Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act or CLASS, as it will be called. This part […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The threat of medical care and health care rationing is very real and it is becoming more real with every day that passes. Cancer patients will find it more difficult to get an appointment with their medical health care physician because now the Internal Revenue Service will be involved. There are other government agencies who will […]

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