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Feb 2nd, 2012

One of the areas of self-employed health insurance is with the health insurance exchange when it is set up and operational. This may seem to be a vital avenue to travel down and enroll, but when you begin to look closer, you will find disappointment. The health care exchanges that are a vision within The […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Health insurance and the primary care stability across the nation will see many changes over the next few years as The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act become effective. One of the main topics for discussion is the new reach into rural areas around the country that were void of primary care clinics. This may […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Generally speaking, all businesses in the United States will be affected by the hidden or not so hidden taxes in the health care reform bill as the clock ticks forward. Of course, all things being as they are, these hidden taxes will creep up incrementally so that it gives all businesses time to find creative […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The self-employed entrepreneurs and the small business owner, operator are in a group of their own when it comes to the health insurance reform that is beginning to filter throughout the country. The rising cost of health insurance is going to affect every citizen, but the self-employed entrepreneurs and the small business owner will feel […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

There are many new rules, laws, and regulations that were passed with the health care reform bill as a side issue. These are the dead of night attachments that most individuals are completely unaware. However, there is a financial side to this new health care reform that needs to be brought to the light of […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The new health care initiative that is currently beginning to take place seems simple on the surface, but when you begin to read the fine print, it will soon turn into a royal nightmare. The federal government plans to increase the budget for the implementation of the new health care reform until the year of […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

State plans including pre-existing conditional high-risk health insurance pools have been in existence for some time now. There are many individuals who have been enrolled in these state high-risk health insurance pools and trying to find a less expensive plan. Well, with the health insurance reforms that have materialized these same individuals are still being left […]

Dec 30th, 2011

Americans following the health care reform saga since March 2010 now have a chance to be part of the last parts of the drama. According to a USA Today report, TV media leaders and the Congress is asking the court to allow the hearings to be televised.  They conducted a survey and the result showed […]

Oct 11th, 2011

He is the genius behind the iPod, iPad, iPhone and Pixar (among others). He redesigned technology into something that people can enjoy using without requiring extensive knowledge in technology and programming. He made what used to be ordinary things into a phenomenon. He saved Apple when it was struggling and managed to make Apple one […]

May 11th, 2011

There are many known reasons why self employed health insurance is becoming so expensive that families, businesses, and individuals are beginning to rethink the worth of the policy. How sad when more insurance policies are being discontinued that renewed by the mass public. The overhead cost per family has risen so dramatically that pay scales […]

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