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Aug 2nd, 2010

Do you know if you are covered through your affordable health insurance policy for a major event that will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to return to health? This is a difficult problem for most parents to answer, but what happens when it is one of your children who are requiring major health care? […]

Jul 29th, 2010

The majority of the population carries an affordable health insurance policy whether it is an individual health insurance policy or one that is offered through your place of employment. When you already have a health insurance policy, how do you know if you require more health insurance or a catastrophic health insurance policy for emergencies? […]

Jul 23rd, 2010

Though many individuals and families do have affordable health insurance coverage, the numbers do fluctuate from time to time as those who are employed either change their place of employment or find they are unemployed. The way the entire system was set up many years ago was that when an individual was in between employment […]

May 31st, 2010

How do you manage your health care costs when you are short on financial funding month to month? How are you able to pay for health insurance when you no longer have the finances you once had? You were employed for the last sixteen years and now you find that you are unemployed and unemployment […]

May 27th, 2010

Is it really that odd that affordable health insurance and all athletics, whether amateur sports or professional sports just do not go together?  The health insurance providers are placed into a quandary of sorts because statistics are apparent that sports injuries are going to be very costly. Obviously, this is one of the main reasons […]

May 25th, 2010

There is so much verbiage discussing the pros and cons of the underinsured and the uninsured, but there is still a difference between the two types of individuals. The most prominent difference is those who are underinsured have health insurance coverage while those who are uninsured do not.  To define what underinsured means in every […]

May 24th, 2010

There are ways to define the underinsured adults in any given community. Many of the medical health care records come through the local community hospitals in any given neighborhood. There are certain hospitals that seem to draw the uninsured and the underinsured so in reality the numbers are there for the taking. When the out […]

Mar 30th, 2010

Veteran’s health insurance is a program run through the government to insure that all veterans who qualify receive adequate and necessary care pertaining to each individuals needs. Most family members are also covered under this medical health insurance plan and are located at strategic areas around the country. This is for easy availability to all […]

Mar 28th, 2010

When you think about it, does it really matter which sport you or your children are participating due to health care risks? All sports activities have their risk factor that is always in consideration when traveling down the path.  Yes sports are fun and exciting but there are times when they can be deadly too.  […]

Mar 27th, 2010

Years ago, there was very little recognition of sports involvement when it came to locating a health insurance policy to benefit those enthusiastic sports participants. Most of the time these courageous individuals were on their own and when they became injured die to a sports related injury while participating in a sport they were in […]


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