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May 18th, 2010

Within the health insurance industry, there are many concerns along with the rising costs. The quality of care is diminishing under current circumstances because the population continues to grow and the provider networks are ultimately shrinking. There are many factors why this is happening, but we will try to stay on topic and discuss the […]

May 17th, 2010

The critical care health insurance provider policies are written and for the most part, designed to fit a specific individual’s immediate and long-term needs. The main difficulty with this type of health insurance policy is that it must be written to protect not only the individual who was diagnosed with a deadly disease, but it […]

May 10th, 2010

Health care costs are consistently on the rise causing many families, especially the low-income families to forfeit the medical health insurance they have grown to depend upon. How sad this is for these families because they have tried hard to keep up with the rising cost all too little or no avail. Unfortunately, these are […]

May 7th, 2010

The health care industry is in major turmoil, but it has been for a few decades. It is only now that the insurance industry has risen to the top and is the focus of attention, but why? They surely have been struggling for a long time, yet they have all been able to manage and […]

Apr 20th, 2010

Where does one even begin to locate health insurance for critical care coverage when and if the time is right? There are many professional sports participants in a variety of sports activity that even travel around the world. You have all the various teams that are professional racecar drivers and you have many individuals who […]

Apr 19th, 2010

The majority of insurance coverage provided for college sports such as football and the professional teams cover catastrophic injuries and life sustaining injuries leaving out the normal day-to-day activities. Granted this is neither easily attainable nor is it affordable health insurance. The reality is this specialized insurance can get very expensive for the individual professional […]

Apr 14th, 2010

Where do you begin? You had low cost health insurance for many years and it served you well. Over the years, the annual insurance policy premiums continuously headed upward. Now you have reached a point in your life when your insurance policy is much too expensive and you are forced to give it up. You […]

Apr 13th, 2010

Okay, so you have acquired low cost health insurance through an employer and you are feeling pretty good for the first time in your life, but what about your family members. Your wife, sons, and daughters still have no medical health insurance protection to help them in their time of need. This will not be […]

Apr 8th, 2010

Today’s economic future is saving and preserving health care, as we know it is experiencing dire difficulty. As our fellow citizens continue to lose their employment so goes the health insurance. The purchasing power of the massive public is virtually reduced down to bare knuckles and families are more concerned with putting food on the […]

Apr 7th, 2010

Okay, so you have an idea what medical health insurance is because your parents have an insurance policy? You are entering college and it is time for you to acquire a health insurance policy of your own because you intend to play college sports. As a college student on the sports scholarship, you are not […]


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