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Feb 2nd, 2012

We the people in the public realm refer to the complex developmental brain disorders that affect certain individuals as autism. This is the clean, neat, and tidy version to cover up what is really going on, especially with boys, though girls are diagnosed with autism too. Other more technical terms used by the medical health […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Affordable insurance of any kind has been very difficult for mothers and fathers whose children approach the nineteen-year-old mark. In the past, children who fall into this category were discontinued on the parent’s affordable health insurance policy. In many cases, the children who were or did turn nineteen years old were encouraged to take out […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

COBRA insurance has been a great stopgap measure for all employees enrolled in the temporary insurance program. This is a last resort when an employee finds himself or herself in a position of being fired or laid off. In most cases, the COBRA health insurance, which is offered through the current employer, is a relatively […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Since the passage of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, eighteen states have now turned down the option to a state run high –risk affordable health insurance pool. The original intent was for the states to offer temporary insurance coverage through the high-risk pools for those individuals with chronic illnesses and pre-existing conditions. One […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Operational state insurance exchanges was a concept to be born out of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Originally, these state insurance agencies were to be operated by the federal government, but planted in every state of the union. Individuals in search of low cost health insurance were to be permitted to cross state […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Hidden in the passages of the health care reform bill that was signed in March 2010 there is a small entry made with regard to Medicaid patients who are twenty-one years old and older. The problem is not so much with the list of changes that will be instituted by January 2014 as it is […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

Under the new mandates of the health care reform bill, medical health care doctor owned hospitals are in jeopardy of closing if they do not conform to the new government standards set forth in the bill. These are hospital facilities that are in general referred to as specialty hospitals and they are all in competition […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The health care reform bill was explained away to the mass population as a tremendous cost saver with health care coverage for all. Every citizen will have equal health care coverage for a minimal cost that will easily fit into every household budget, unlike what the current health insurance providers are able to offer. We […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

One of the new changes with the health care reform bill is the categories each individual is placed when they begin to shop around for adequate self-employed health insurance. There is no special category for the self-employed and freelance entrepreneurs and that in itself does present a major difficulty. Unless you have a wife, sister, […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The effects on small businesses and large corporations are slowly seeping into the consciousness of all individuals. How the health care reforms will affect all individuals and businesses is yet to come to realization. Little by little, the realities of what is included in the health care form bill and what is not included is […]


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