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Aug 23rd, 2010

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have begun to take effect among us the people in slow, subtle, incremental changes. How will this new universal health care affect you and your family? Will you fare better under this new style of health insurance delivery or will it cost you more in money and in […]

Aug 2nd, 2010

Do you know if you are covered through your affordable health insurance policy for a major event that will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to return to health? This is a difficult problem for most parents to answer, but what happens when it is one of your children who are requiring major health care? […]

Jul 28th, 2010

Unless you already have a comprehensive health insurance policy, pregnancy, and health insurance just do not blend well together in the same sentence. Pregnancy, or Maternity benefits is considered a pre-existing condition by the health insurance providers and they will reuse you health insurance coverage when you are already pregnant. Where do you go to […]

Jul 23rd, 2010

Though many individuals and families do have affordable health insurance coverage, the numbers do fluctuate from time to time as those who are employed either change their place of employment or find they are unemployed. The way the entire system was set up many years ago was that when an individual was in between employment […]

May 21st, 2010

The count of the under insured health insurance recipients is virtuously staggering in numbers. On average, there are over sixty million adults who are underinsured at any given time and most are unaware that they are. These are hard working adults who, for various reasons change employment often and this leaves them on the short […]

May 19th, 2010

Praise those few individuals who are brave enough or desperate enough to undergo heart transplant surgery. Bless the health insurance provider in conjunction with the medical physician for saving another soul. Heart transplants are from most in the medical community to be very dangerous. There are many stringent health care guidelines that go with this […]

May 17th, 2010

The critical care health insurance provider policies are written and for the most part, designed to fit a specific individual’s immediate and long-term needs. The main difficulty with this type of health insurance policy is that it must be written to protect not only the individual who was diagnosed with a deadly disease, but it […]

May 14th, 2010

Most people are not very concerned when it comes to considering a transplant, because the percentage of the population who do receive them is small in comparison. The health insurance industry on the other hand is very aware of what is going on and why. They are also very concerned over the rising costs and […]

May 13th, 2010

Medicaid is a unique form of health insurance that has come to the aid of many individuals within all cities and towns. This is a type of medical insurance assistance that is there for those who simply do not have the means to pay for health insurance. In many cases, Medicaid is there for many […]

May 10th, 2010

Health care costs are consistently on the rise causing many families, especially the low-income families to forfeit the medical health insurance they have grown to depend upon. How sad this is for these families because they have tried hard to keep up with the rising cost all too little or no avail. Unfortunately, these are […]


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