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Jan 29th, 2010

The University of South California is in possession of one of the most highly insured college football teams around for a very long time. A majority of the football pros insured through a sports health insurance package offer well over ten million dollars worth of medical and catastrophic coverage. There are also a number of […]

Jan 29th, 2010

Sports medical low cost health insurance today covers many aspects for the sports activist and for the sports participants. The main coverage entails the major teams, leagues, and special events such as tournaments. Some of the major sports events include: 1. Adventure Racing, Alpine Ski Contests and Tournaments 2. Snowboarding such as those involved in […]

Jan 27th, 2010

A comprehensive medical individual health insurance plan to assist in paying for the unknown mishaps that do occur during any sports event is a great idea. How many times have individuals participated either as a spectator or a participant and become injured. Unexpected injuries also occur in motor sports as well. The main difference is […]

Dec 11th, 2009

The young adults coming into the market of purchasing insurance in the New York area are a big draw. Couple this with the young self-employed and you have a combination that all the insurance companies today are vying for in one way or another. Many of the health insurance companies are beginning to tailor their […]

Dec 9th, 2009

Are you living in New York and find after many years as an employee you want to spread your wings and begin a small business of your own? The search begins with step one, but many of the insurance company policies work against you. The insurance industry sometimes fails to be as transparent as the […]

Dec 8th, 2009

Are you earning a living working freelance? Are you self-employed and have five, six, or seven individuals on your payroll? Is finding affordable health insurance almost next to impossible? You must be very frustrated by now and yet continue to search for that one insurance policy that will suit the needs of yourself, your family, […]

Dec 4th, 2009

An alarming trend is developing within New York and the rest of the United States. Fewer citizens are able to claim their share of health insurance coverage. An average of seventy five percent of adults have spent time researching all the various insurance policies only to be discouraged by the high cost for health coverage. […]

Dec 3rd, 2009

Is there a cure-all in sight, especially for those individuals most afflicted in our country today? When does the health insurance industry plan to stop restricting insurance coverage for those afflicted with a pre-existing condition? This is a rather archaic attitude and it is high time this practice transforms into insurance coverage that is more […]

Nov 17th, 2009

Medical insurance in New York is on an innovative and creative march towards success for all the citizens living and working within the borders. In 2000 the New York Legislature pass the Health Care Reform Act created particularly for the small businesses, the single proprietorships, and the self-employed individuals. These groups of New York residents […]

Nov 8th, 2009

Healthy NY is an insurance program within the borders of New York State with a focus on a few specifically select areas. Those counties in New York State are in the upstate region and this program is a pilot program to offer insurance benefits to three specific groups of residents such as the individuals, the […]

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