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Nov 5th, 2009

Medical coverage in today’s world is unrealistically high for the consuming population, but there are reasons. The technology has become so finite and advanced; the cost for the new technology is high. This is good news and bad news for the consuming public. It is good because of all the medical advances we have experienced. […]

Nov 3rd, 2009

Many years have passed since the first day you landed your first employment. Now, you have decided to venture out on your own and begin a business adventure on your own. Skills have been refines over the years and your self-confidence is high. This is a turning point in your life and though it is […]

Nov 2nd, 2009

Are you shopping around for health insurance? There are many insurance companies today offering coverage, but not a price you are able to afford. Your new business is beginning to blossom and you interest is in hiring a few people to help see you through this rough period. Beginning a new business is not easy […]

Oct 28th, 2009

Self-employed and family medical insurance is a preferred type of insurance coverage made available to all entrepreneurs and their families. This is for the insurance companies to sell direct to the individual forming a bound contract between the person and the insurance provider. This is the specialized, though very expensive insurance policy available to the […]

Oct 27th, 2009

The recent changes in the medical health system it seems will help many Americans, not just New York entrepreneurs to finally receive comprehensive affordable health insurance. The majority of the insurance corporations is developing a new and innovative way to reduce the cost of annual insurance premiums and is trying to make it available to […]

Sep 30th, 2009

In New York City, New York which is one of the few municipalities that actually track the self-employed entrepreneur, there were approximately 810,000 at any one time hustling and bustling within Manhattan. This same trend seems to be a growing phenomenon throughout the country as well, which leaves many in search of or without a […]

Aug 4th, 2009

With all the medical insurance companies that work within the state of New York, one would be led to believe that finding the right medical insurance coverage would be an easy proposition. Yet, there are more medical health care companies than any individual would have the time or, patience to research. Almost all of the […]

Jul 30th, 2009

Locating affordable health insurance for yourself and your family is easy. Are you a single mother employed part-time to make ends meet? Perhaps you have medical insurance coverage through your place of employment. Does your employer’s medical insurance cover you and your family, or is it limited to only you the individual. Though most employers […]

Jun 26th, 2009

The needs of the mass population in New York as a whole run far and wide, mainly because of geographical location.  It encompasses a rather colourful populous, rich in history, with a variety of people from every imaginable walk of life. The varied insurance policies and the coverage must and does take this all into […]

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