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Nov 29th, 2010

There are a few new provisions regarding health insurance providers and medical health care that will be going into effect beginning January 1, 2011. How many senior citizens are prepared for the changes to their health care? How many senior citizens even know that changes have been made and are ready to be instituted? One […]

Nov 24th, 2010

Are you aware of what is going to happen with Medicare when this new health care reform bill is in full effect? Like everyone, other citizen in the population your medical needs will be limited and much of the prescription medication you are accustomed to will be replaced with another prescription medication that is less […]

Nov 22nd, 2010

Do you have a mother or father or other relative currently residing in a nursing home because of a long-term illness, like Alzheimer’s disease? Parents or other relatives who require so much medical health care assistance they can no longer remain in their own home. Under the new health care reform, there are no health […]

Nov 22nd, 2010

Are you wondering why the American Medical Association or AMA supported the medical health care bill’s passage through Congress? The American Medical Association represents a very small portion of medical health care physicians. Most of the medical health care physicians are not enrolled with this group because they have situations they would rather develop. There […]

Nov 19th, 2010

Currently, emergency rooms at community hospitals in the major cities are perpetually over crowded due to individuals who lack a health insurance policy and are not able to walk into any medical health care physician’s office. At one time, not that long ago, individuals could call and make an appointment with a medical health care […]

Nov 18th, 2010

The entire premise of the health care reform was basically two fold. In one respect, it was to help lower the overall costs for the health insurance providers who are going broke trying to keep up with the trends of rising cost in the medical health care community. The advent of major technology infiltrating the […]

Nov 16th, 2010

All these months of trying to discuss and debate the new health insurance reform and now our senior citizens among us want to learn how this will affect them and their family members. The long-term outlook is not a very positive outcome as many senior citizens are beginning to realize. There is no way of […]

Nov 11th, 2010

Why does the government think it is so important to take away all of our freedoms? Could it be the government has no faith in the citizens?  Recently the government admitted the complete overhaul of the current health insurance system was nothing more than an elaborate way to tax the citizens. How many citizens will […]

Nov 10th, 2010

All current employees will begin to see changes in their employer sponsored health insurance policy as early as January 1, 2011. The initial changes will be slow and steady to give the employee an opportunity to digest what is about to happen to their health insurance system. What all employees will experience is the reduction […]

Nov 8th, 2010

There are many cuts to the current health insurance system and the health care system that will take a few years to implement, but it will happen. What will we be left with in the end?  If Congress does not try to amend or repeal this newly enacted health insurance revision, we can expect many […]


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