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Nov 19th, 2009

The hottest topic currently debated in New York is medical insurance for the small business proprietor and the self-employed entrepreneur. Unfortunately it is becoming impossible to attain an affordable health insurance, especially for those individuals who are and remain viral and healthy as well as the elderly population. For the self-employed entrepreneur and the business […]

Nov 18th, 2009

The medical insurance rates for the self-employed entrepreneur and the small business proprietor are significantly higher than the cost for others living and working in the New York area. The reason for this is because the larger corporations can shop and purchase low cost health insurance in bulk or group form. There are a few […]

Nov 17th, 2009

Medical insurance in New York is on an innovative and creative march towards success for all the citizens living and working within the borders. In 2000 the New York Legislature pass the Health Care Reform Act created particularly for the small businesses, the single proprietorships, and the self-employed individuals. These groups of New York residents […]

Nov 8th, 2009

Healthy NY is an insurance program within the borders of New York State with a focus on a few specifically select areas. Those counties in New York State are in the upstate region and this program is a pilot program to offer insurance benefits to three specific groups of residents such as the individuals, the […]

Nov 7th, 2009

Relief for the self-employed is agonizingly slow in materializing, but they are coming to fruition. We already are aware of how medical expenses can add up quickly. Life for the individual entrepreneur has been difficult at times. In the current form only expenses exceeding the 7.5% adjusted gross income were deductible. At that it is […]

Nov 6th, 2009

There are so many variables that enter into the equation of being self-employed in today’s world. Living and working the state of New York is no exception. The competition between business vendors is fast and furious with no end in sight. How does the entrepreneur survive in such a jungle? All individuals working as independent […]

Nov 5th, 2009

Medical coverage in today’s world is unrealistically high for the consuming population, but there are reasons. The technology has become so finite and advanced; the cost for the new technology is high. This is good news and bad news for the consuming public. It is good because of all the medical advances we have experienced. […]

Nov 4th, 2009

When an individual is considering working independently there are many issues to discuss.  The first item on the agenda is to discuss the issues with your family because they are ultimately involved in this decision too. Instead of having an employer to depend on for medical coverage, you must rely on your own devices. The […]

Nov 3rd, 2009

Many years have passed since the first day you landed your first employment. Now, you have decided to venture out on your own and begin a business adventure on your own. Skills have been refines over the years and your self-confidence is high. This is a turning point in your life and though it is […]

Nov 2nd, 2009

Are you shopping around for health insurance? There are many insurance companies today offering coverage, but not a price you are able to afford. Your new business is beginning to blossom and you interest is in hiring a few people to help see you through this rough period. Beginning a new business is not easy […]

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