Jul 7th, 2009
So you finally have your dream come true – a self employed business up and running, just as you have always believed. Your entrepreneurial spirit is soaring high and your friends and family are all there for the send off. Yet, with all that you have accomplished, you still have not added medical insurance as […]
Jul 6th, 2009
Health insurance companies in general offer a wide range of coverage for residents of New York, through every walk of life. Many specialize and give very detailed descriptions of what the individual is up against and what to expect as an end result. The state insurance programs, which can be found at www.nyhealthinsurer.com also partner […]
Jul 2nd, 2009
Public sector Medicaid receives additional funding for low-income uninsured women. These reproductive services are considered special status by the federal government; therefore, 71% of all publicly financed family planning services cover contraceptives, gynecology testing, condoms, and STD testing, plus one-half of all states have extended financing for family planning services only under the family plan […]
Jul 2nd, 2009
During the reproductive years, reproductive women between the age of fifteen and forty-four are a great drain on the health insurance industry. During these years, reproductive women require constant screening and medical services in the form of breast screening, pap smears, abortions, preventative contraception, and testing for diseases such as HPV, Chlamydia, and HIV/Aids. During […]
Jun 30th, 2009
The state of New York is researching the possibilities of changing and rearranging the insurance procedures in relation to better, more affordable coverage for all residents in the New York area. Now this new language is subject to the approval and passage through the State Legislature before it becomes final and is passed along to […]
Jun 29th, 2009
There are many insurance companies in New York offering a wide range of services to families and individuals. Personal policies vary widely though because of strong competition. Once only offered as reactive, most have made the shift over the years to accommodating proactive care. Creating a stable base for the future. Creating a state wide […]
Jun 5th, 2009
There are thousands of self-employed Hoosiers who are going without health insurance coverage. All personal insurance care policies in Indiana are medically underwritten, which means there is no guaranteed issue for personal and family policies. Based on the answers you give on your application for health insurance, the underwriters will allow insurance companies to evaluate […]
May 29th, 2009
I’m Self-employed; Can I Insure Myself with Health Coverage? As any self-employed individual knows, health plan rates are very high. You may be paying for health coverage that you will rarely even use. Some self-employed people decide to invest in themselves, rather than making the insurance companies rich. It often makes more sense to invest […]
May 19th, 2009
Self Employed Health Insurance Carriers The role of self-employed health insurance carriers is to collect premiums each month in return for the guarantee that the benefits stipulated in the health insurance plan will be paid out on time. Each health insurance carrier must remain solvent, which means they must be able to collect enough premiums […]
May 19th, 2009
About 470 health insurance carriers are members of a corporation called the MIB group, Inc. The MIB (Medical Information Bureau) is a database that has been in existence for over a century. Founded in 1902, the MIB collects information on everyone that has health insurance (with insuring members of MIB) in the United States and […]