Sep 20th, 2010
It is so amazing to read all the laws that exist on the books and how many of them are actually enforceable. What is at odds with regard to the ever-growing list of pre-existing conditions is how the list fluctuates from year to year. Of course, this is dependent upon which pre-existing health insurance issues […]
Sep 14th, 2010
The truth about The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is simply that under the current health insurance circumstances that it was written it has become an unconstitutional document that a number of states are currently filing legal lawsuits. If this was written with blanket intent for we the people it may have had a […]
Sep 9th, 2010
How will married couples fare under this new health insurance reform? How will families with children fare under this new health insurance reform? It does seem there are more questions than there are answers. Under the Class Act provision, create a new voluntary long-term insurance program; enrollees who have paid premiums into the program and […]
Sep 7th, 2010
How many of you understand the Internal Revenue has almost doubled in size to accommodate The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when the health insurance payments you send begin to be processed. Do we the people understand the implication for the first time in the history of this country, what is happening? When you […]
Aug 30th, 2010
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for 2014 is a lengthy one and it does take some time to weed through the entire section. As you can see from reading how the current health insurance system will drastically change, there is more yet to come. Impose an annual penalty of ninety-five dollars or up […]
Aug 27th, 2010
The government in all its wisdom has put a price tag on The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and it is about time you were enlightened further to what it can cost you and your family. The standard health insurance for a family is now capped at thirteen thousand dollars and for an individual […]
Aug 23rd, 2010
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have begun to take effect among us the people in slow, subtle, incremental changes. How will this new universal health care affect you and your family? Will you fare better under this new style of health insurance delivery or will it cost you more in money and in […]
Aug 20th, 2010
Most individuals are aware of the catastrophic health insurance plans. They are probably not aware that there are two different, yet similar catastrophic health insurance plans in existence. The traditional catastrophic health insurance plan is there for the individual when they are in need of additional medical health care coverage for hospitalization and unforeseen surgery. […]
Aug 16th, 2010
Now that The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is law, what will come next? When will we the people learn of what this new law entails right down to the smallest detail? How will the health insurance industry and the medical health care community be changes, rearranged, or perhaps eliminated? Will we the people […]
Aug 13th, 2010
There is a variety of related injuries according to the listing with the various health insurance providers. The medical health care community is also very aware of what is happening. There is a rise in related injuries especially among the school age students who are not completely prepared for what they are facing. The younger […]