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Nov 18th, 2010

The entire premise of the health care reform was basically two fold. In one respect, it was to help lower the overall costs for the health insurance providers who are going broke trying to keep up with the trends of rising cost in the medical health care community. The advent of major technology infiltrating the […]

Nov 17th, 2010

The new health care reform that was to take affect partially is already falling behind. This is beginning to anger many families and single mothers who were counting on the government to allow them to add their children under the age of twenty-six years old back on the parent’s health insurance policy. Time is slipping […]

Nov 17th, 2010

There are many individuals today who are celebrating the fact that the new health insurance reform bill is now in existence. They believe they will now be taken care of, in the medical health care sense. These same individuals believe they will be taken care of for the rest of their lives and never have […]

Nov 16th, 2010

Individuals either who currently are diagnosed with a form of cancer or who have successfully survived and are trying to get on with their lives it is a never ending battle. This includes the consistent debating with the various health insurance providers who shy away when they hear the term cancer being mentioned by a […]

Nov 15th, 2010

Individuals suffering and living with pre-existing medical health care conditions have a difficult time with health insurance coverage. Those individuals who have been enrolled with a reputable health insurance provider fare much better than any individual in search of health insurance coverage does. This applies to adults and for their children. Most adults who are […]

Nov 15th, 2010

Trying to acquire an affordable health insurance policy after facing the ordeal of cancer can be equally as difficult for some individuals. The common health insurance policy is set up to cover necessary medical expenses and non-medical expenses. The non-medical expenses include the loss of benefits from the loss of income as in the loss […]

Nov 12th, 2010

Health insurance of any kind for patients with a history of cancer find it very difficult to acquire even a low cost health insurance policy. To make matters even worse it is a low time in their lives because to locate reasonable employment can be a very difficult task. Prospective employers are very hesitant to […]

Nov 11th, 2010

Why does the government think it is so important to take away all of our freedoms? Could it be the government has no faith in the citizens?  Recently the government admitted the complete overhaul of the current health insurance system was nothing more than an elaborate way to tax the citizens. How many citizens will […]

Nov 11th, 2010

Since the debating began with the new health insurance provisions, little attention has been paid to how our freedoms will be greatly reduced. Just the mere notion that all citizens are mandated or forced if you will, to purchase a health insurance policy does not guarantee medical health care coverage. Yet, time and time again […]

Nov 10th, 2010

Individuals who carry low cost health insurance through an employer will see very few changes in the manner of health care they have learned to expect. Employer sponsored health insurance for many long-time employees is grandfathered in and will continue to remain as it is for the time being. However, for all the new individuals […]


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