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May 21st, 2009

Whether you are retired, working in public work, or self-employed, it’s likely that you hope never to have an illness that will take all of your savings. A devastating illness, such as mesothelioma does change one’s life. You can live a long time with the disease, but it gets worse with time. The sad thing […]

May 20th, 2009

Being self-employed is often a very rewarding job. You can work for yourself even if you have some health care issues, such heart, and end stage renal disease. Many people who are dependent upon home dialysis can still lead fairly active lives. They don’t have to worry about how they will pay for their treatments, […]

May 16th, 2009

Health insurance companies cannot discriminate against you for your medical conditions. They cannot discriminate against you for racial, gender, or for reasons of your age. Most states don’t allow insurance providers to cancel your health insurance for the self-employed for any medical conditions that you may develop after your policy is in force. For example, […]

May 13th, 2009

Health insurance is good to have when you need it; however, when you file a claim you could be turned down on future policies. Just like with any other type of insurance, the companies want to insure people who are not a definite risk to them having to pay out any money on your behalf. […]

May 12th, 2009

Health insurance is a major concern with most everyone these days which is partly due to the state of the economy. As a result, many mothers are choosing to be stay-at-home-moms (SAHM). They choose to work at home because they want to spend more time raising their children while still having the opportunity to make […]

May 11th, 2009

As more people leave their jobs working for an employer in Canada and the United States, the need arises for insurance. Self employed health insurance for the Canadian may differ slightly from health insurance for self employed people in the United States, but there are more commonalities than differences. For instance, if you are Canadian […]

May 9th, 2009

The fishing industry in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New York and all the coastal fishing states need to have the national health care plan re-established that was in place for more than 180 years. The national health insurance for commercial fishermen coverage was stopped in 1981 when President Ronald Regan was in office. When one […]

May 7th, 2009

Lloyd’s of London, also known simply as Lloyd’s, is the oldest insurance market in the world. Lloyd’s began as a group of businessmen getting together at Lloyd’s Coffee House in 1688. Together they became underwriters in the insurance market. Lloyds of London is not an insurance company; it’s not a company in the sense that […]

May 6th, 2009

Do not make the mistake of opening a new business or going into business for yourself in the state of Florida and think that you can get insured immediately. Even though you may want to take care of everything at once, the window for applying for self-employed health insurance is not open all year round. […]

May 6th, 2009

Paying for your own health care sounds like an impossible task, but it really isn’t. You open up a health savings account (HSA), and instead of paying premiums to a health insurance company you would insure yourself with your own money. The money in your HSA would will grow interest and go untouched until the […]

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