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Feb 2nd, 2011

On average, there are millions of individuals who carry no affordable health insurance because of the high cost. Others refrain from any insurance policy because they are aware of the pre-existing medical conditions they are afflicted. The standard age bracket for individuals with no insurance is between eighteen years of age and sixty-four years of […]

Feb 1st, 2011

Stepping away from the world of an employer, employee relationship is not for everyone. However, there is a large portion of the population who does step away after considering what type of self-employed business they wish to endeavor. Working for years and having an employer funded health insurance plan seems to slip from the radar […]

Jan 28th, 2011

High-pressure tension is what high blood pressure is in simple terms. Not every adult is affected with high blood pressure, but unfortunately, a very large portion of the population today is affected. The medical health community physicians consider 120 over 80 as the normal with which to judge whether an individual is affected with low […]

Jan 27th, 2011

There are a few areas of our country that are gaining ground with the state run insurance program. Actually, this is not a new and viable insurance program for all citizens of a given state. The majority of states today have a state run Medicaid program for all those individuals who require assistance. Many of […]

Jan 25th, 2011

Cadillac health insurance has been in the forefront of many discussions. Do we really understand exactly what it is and who amongst the population can afford to have such an expensive health insurance policy? The Cadillac health insurance plan is defined more by the cost of the annual health insurance policy than the health care […]

Jan 24th, 2011

There is a new long-term health insurance that is currently entering the market under the title of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act. This will go under the shortened name of CLASS. Those individuals suffering from long-term chronic illness and major disabilities will be interested in what this newly formed health insurance program […]

Jan 21st, 2011

A dramatically new change is sweeping the entire country and it will take a few years before it is fully implemented. To some the health care reform will be a needed benefit, but for the majority it will become a deficit. Individuals, families, large corporations, and small businesses will find there are permanent major adjustments […]

Jan 20th, 2011

The persistent march forward of our aging population is a considerable deficit to our country, but there are ways to turn this around into a positive. In years past, it was our elder population that was looked upon as those who held the key to wisdom and knowledge. The current changes to our health care […]

Jan 19th, 2011

All employers are having a difficult time deciding to continue offering health insurance coverage to their employees. The cost for even a low cost health insurance policy has become very expensive as costs are getting out of control. Unbelievably, most employers really are having a difficult time with this decision. This is because when you […]

Jan 14th, 2011

All concerned in the medical health care community have been notified they will be receiving a reduction in their Medicare reimbursements in the future. The reduction in reimbursements will be a total of twenty-one percent and will affect all medical health care physicians that have Medicare patients on their rolls. Now the medical health care […]


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