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Apr 19th, 2010

The majority of insurance coverage provided for college sports such as football and the professional teams cover catastrophic injuries and life sustaining injuries leaving out the normal day-to-day activities. Granted this is neither easily attainable nor is it affordable health insurance. The reality is this specialized insurance can get very expensive for the individual professional […]

Apr 15th, 2010

The benefits and claims to any health insurance claim begins with the initial insurance policy you decided to choose. Even though this is one of the areas that most individuals need to research, very few take the time until after they have a need to submit an insurance claim. This initially is where the difficulties […]

Apr 14th, 2010

Where do you begin? You had low cost health insurance for many years and it served you well. Over the years, the annual insurance policy premiums continuously headed upward. Now you have reached a point in your life when your insurance policy is much too expensive and you are forced to give it up. You […]

Apr 13th, 2010

Okay, so you have acquired low cost health insurance through an employer and you are feeling pretty good for the first time in your life, but what about your family members. Your wife, sons, and daughters still have no medical health insurance protection to help them in their time of need. This will not be […]

Apr 12th, 2010

The importance of childrens health care needs is very important if that child is to grow and reach adulthood healthy with a fighting chance. If you, as a parent have lost your employment, it is possible you can pick up a state run low cost health insurance plan. Medical coverage for children is usually readily […]

Apr 9th, 2010

Long-term health care today is in crisis mode and the majorities who are suffering the most are women. The economic concerns are affecting the elderly care and they, more than any other group, need medical assistance the most. Many families today who are caring for their elderly parents and trying to raise their families are […]

Apr 7th, 2010

Okay, so you have an idea what medical health insurance is because your parents have an insurance policy? You are entering college and it is time for you to acquire a health insurance policy of your own because you intend to play college sports. As a college student on the sports scholarship, you are not […]

Apr 1st, 2010

How many individuals and families today make the time to read their medical health insurance policy when they receive it each year? Even when they do, how many can actually understand what they are reading? We can all agree that most of the time it is very difficult to get through with a clear comprehension. […]

Mar 16th, 2010

What is it that will cause insurance rates to increase for one individual, yet remain stagnant for another? Why is one individual forced to hunt for an affordable health insurance plan while another individual is receiving advertising through the mail on a regular basis? Yet, there are still many individuals without any medical insurance coverage. […]

Mar 15th, 2010

Those individuals with little or no health insurance sustaining sports injuries already know what they must go through to feel complete again and be free of pain. The untreated sports injuries are another story. This will cause any individual further harm with the passage of time. Unfortunately, those who neglect to have their sports injuries […]

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