May 19th, 2013
Last week Republicans in the House of Representatives took another shot at repealing the Affordable Care Act, often referred to as ‘Obamacare”. This was their 37th attempt to repeal the landmark legislation since it was signed into law in March 2010. The legislation is President Obama’s controversial attempt to reform the American healthcare system and […]
May 17th, 2013
The full implementation of the Affordable Care Act of the Obama administration is just around the corner, but we still can’t see the complete picture of how the new healthcare law will affect us. Will we really see more affordable coverage? Will we get better benefits? Are we really better off with it? Changes Expected […]
Oct 21st, 2010
At this point, we come to the final stage of all the health insurance changes that will occur on January 1, 2014. There is still plenty of time between now and then and by way of politics and government we the people have many opportunities to change the effects of this again before it becomes […]
Oct 18th, 2010
The questions that arise while reading this aspect of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are like reading the wish list for a shopping expedition and not a health insurance proposal with the health and welfare of the citizenry. Stories of just this are beginning to surface and The Patient Protection and Affordable Care […]