Aug 12th, 2011
Children are one of the people who need regular medical attention from recommended booster shots to regular check-ups. Parents who are struggling with providing their kids with health insurance coverage are also having a dilemma whether to have their kids covered in their policy (which drives up their premium rate) or to apply for a […]
Aug 11th, 2011
Are you new in New York and at a loss in applying for a New York health insurance coverage? New York offers you a wide selection of individual plans, self-employed health insurance coverage, and state-subsidized health care programs. Each state is governed by its own state laws. The good news is, that New York is […]
Aug 9th, 2011
Where do you turn to for a New York health insurance coverage if you are a senior? Senior citizens – those aged 65 and older usually get their health insurance from Medicare. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides health insurance coverage to citizens at least 65 years old. There is no income […]
Aug 5th, 2011
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has required medical and insurance providers as well as employers to make a way for consumers to easily understand their health insurance options. The insurance information should be done in a way that any average American can comprehend what each health and insurance plan is about and will […]
Aug 3rd, 2011
If you are a New York state resident and are looking for a New York health insurance option, you might want to consider Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield. Excellus is a health insurance company operating throughout New York. Their main headquarters is in Rochester, NY but they have a headquarters in each region: Central New […]
Jul 27th, 2011
The thought of uncertainty in self-employed health insurance can be a deterrent to those who are planning to be sole proprietors or independent contractors. The number of Americans with health insurance coverage has greatly increased to 50 million (as of 2010) and a big part of these are new self-employed individuals. Being self-employed doesn’t mean […]
Jul 21st, 2011
Did you know that you can still apply for Medicaid even when your income is over the Medicaid limit? With the New York health insurance department, you can apply for the Medicaid Excess Income Program or otherwise known as the “Medicaid Spend-down Program” or the “Medicaid Surplus Income Program” as long as you meet the […]
Jul 18th, 2011
Do you have breast, cervical, colorectal or prostate cancer and you’re looking for inexpensive New York health insurance? There’s help for you. Medicaid offers comprehensive health coverage to individuals who need cancer treatment but are ineligible for Medicaid through the program Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program (MCTP). Applicants will go through screening and diagnosis by the […]
Jul 14th, 2011
One of the challenges of being a self-employed individual is to acquire your self-employed health insurance. But there is one option self-employed individuals can consider – the Freelancers Union. Their mission is to promote the interests of freelance workers through advocacy, education, and service. Independent workers include freelancers, consultants, temps, part-timers, contingent employees, and self-employed […]
Jul 6th, 2011
The health insurance coverage costs trend was expected to go up at least 8.5% in 2012. According to a PWC study, the increase can be attributed to these 3 accelerators: Provider consolidation continues, Cost-shifting from Medicare and Medicaid increases, and Post-recession stress builds up in the workforce. The medical cost trend is the projected movement […]