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May 21st, 2012

A new study by the HCCI (Health Care Cost Institute) has found that the cost of health care increased by 3.3 percent in 2010. Healthcare spending has doubled the rate of inflation. Healthcare rates have increased overall inflation for emergency room visits, outpatient surgery, and facility-based mental health and substance abuse care from 2009 to […]

Feb 2nd, 2012

The health care reform bill was explained away to the mass population as a tremendous cost saver with health care coverage for all. Every citizen will have equal health care coverage for a minimal cost that will easily fit into every household budget, unlike what the current health insurance providers are able to offer. We […]

Feb 28th, 2011

New discussions are floating from community to community and it is beginning to reflect an old-fashioned debate. The two new topics introduced into the public arena are sugar and salt intake. However, even amongst the insurance providers and the medical health care community, the debate back and forth keeps bringing new discussions into the public […]

Feb 15th, 2011

When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in March 2010, it was widely touted as the miracle that all citizens were waiting for to arrive. It was to be the salvation that so many citizens were looking forward to to rearrange the entire broken and united healthcare system. As the months passed, […]

Jan 13th, 2011

One explanation for the high cost of health insurance and affordable health care services is due to piece meal affects of the way we are charged when we require an office visit with our medical health care physicians. The same holds true when we are without an alternative. This becomes especially true when there are […]

Dec 29th, 2010

Interestingly enough, most health insurance providers are counting on their current health insurance subscribers to become ill. The health insurance provider keeps a close watch on all their subscribers to gain an understanding of those who frequent their medical health care physician regularly for the same illness. This applies to those health insurance subscribers with […]

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