Oct 11th, 2010
One of the ideas being considered to counter the addition of all pre-existing conditions is with the formidable increase in all health insurance policies upon renewal for the coming year. You just have to wonder how this can be when the government promised lower health insurance premiums for all citizens. A second option that is […]
Oct 11th, 2010
One of the signature requirements of the new health reform bill points to all the health insurance providers. They are collectively to begin indiscriminate health insurance coverage to all children with chronic diseases and pre-existing conditions without delay. It was written into law that ninety days after the signing of the new health insurance bill […]
Aug 23rd, 2010
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have begun to take effect among us the people in slow, subtle, incremental changes. How will this new universal health care affect you and your family? Will you fare better under this new style of health insurance delivery or will it cost you more in money and in […]
Aug 13th, 2010
There is a variety of related injuries according to the listing with the various health insurance providers. The medical health care community is also very aware of what is happening. There is a rise in related injuries especially among the school age students who are not completely prepared for what they are facing. The younger […]
Jul 8th, 2010
Individuals who experienced a catastrophic mishap and find they are the victim of burns know the healthcare costs for the road to recovery are going to be beyond what their health insurance provider can sustain. When there are family members available it would be a good idea for them to file for financial assistance on […]
Jun 27th, 2010
Long-term health insurance plans are available to most individuals who are not covered under an employer’s health insurance policy. Many individuals who are fifty years old and older will find this to be an attractive asset to any health insurance policy, but the research will take some time to gather up all the facts. Medicare […]
Jun 15th, 2009
Obama’s Reform and How it Will Affect Individuals and Health Insurers Alike. The state of healthcare in America is in dire straits, 47 million Americans are without any healthcare at this time and many more are under-insured. Unlike any other industrial country in the Western hemisphere, the United States is the only country without universal […]