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Mar 8th, 2010

Health insurance annual premiums are on the rise every year lately. Many families and individuals are finding it becoming more difficult to locate medical insurance that will fit into their household budget. In some cases the annual medical insurance premium is costing them, more than their apartment rent and mortgage payment. This in itself should […]

Feb 24th, 2010

The search for medical health insurance when it involves young active participating players is an arduous one. Though there are many health insurance companies available in the country, there is very few that offer affordable health insurance for high schools, colleges, and university level students. However, there is no reason to become frustrated as in […]

Feb 12th, 2010

Health insurance today is becoming so expensive that many leagues are beginning to remove the group medical coverage and leaving it up to each individual instead.  This may work well with the sports players who are drawing a substantial income, but for anyone new, a rookie if you will, is in no position to carry […]

Sep 21st, 2009

Talk of the new health care tax in order to revamp the current system has been debated since the federal government introduced the proposal.  The American public is torn on the issue.  President Obama views this state of affairs as being healthy and part of the democratic way.  He does not see debate or controversy […]

Aug 31st, 2009

Every year, self-employed health insurance costs skyrocket bringing with the increases more self-employed workers who cannot find affordable self-employed health insurance premiums that must spend time looking around for affordable health insurance quotes on various health insurance coverage plans for their families.  This makes medical insurance an issue for all those who require a family plan […]

Aug 27th, 2009

Millions of baby boomers and seniors are now starting their own businesses, due to career changes and as a means to supplement their retirement income.  With this change also comes the change to their health insurance.  Many people enter into entrepreneurship without realizing what will happen to their medical health insurance and then have a […]

Aug 19th, 2009

Working independently does have its rewards. Becoming your own boss, deciding how many days or hours a week you spend working and how far you are willing to travel. These decisions, being your own, are very rewarding, but there are other issues that need your attention as well, like affordable health insurance coverage. One issue […]

Aug 19th, 2009

With so many individuals referring to themselves as boss, it does raise a few questions about the future of how conducting business is worth addressing. Exactly who are these creative individuals striking out on their own? What separates them from the countless others who are “employees”? Is the future of self employment good for the […]

Aug 18th, 2009

Trying to make a niche is not as easy to accomplish, as it seems. There is so much behind the scene work that goes on, along with a fundamental understanding of all that is required. One of the differences is you will no longer be able to rely on a base line or regular income. […]

Aug 13th, 2009

Being self employed denotes many good feelings of accomplishment to many individuals and rightfully so. The whole concept of no longer taking orders, but making decisions for the betterment of your own future entices many to make the transition. This is all well and good, but what happens when you have an unforeseen accident and […]

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