Feb 15th, 2012
As the Obama administration gears up for the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it issued new regulations which require health plans to use simple, clear, and standardized language to help clients understand their health plans better. This fall, employers and insurers which offer health coverage must provide a form summarizing the basic plan […]
Nov 4th, 2011
Empire, has made an announcement to brokers that effective April 1st of next year, they will be limiting the plans they will offer to small groups. This will mean that small groups will be left with the more expensive and less popular health insurance plans. Empire is also expected to cut brokers’ commissions. They have […]
Dec 11th, 2009
The young adults coming into the market of purchasing insurance in the New York area are a big draw. Couple this with the young self-employed and you have a combination that all the insurance companies today are vying for in one way or another. Many of the health insurance companies are beginning to tailor their […]
Dec 9th, 2009
Are you living in New York and find after many years as an employee you want to spread your wings and begin a small business of your own? The search begins with step one, but many of the insurance company policies work against you. The insurance industry sometimes fails to be as transparent as the […]
Dec 8th, 2009
Are you earning a living working freelance? Are you self-employed and have five, six, or seven individuals on your payroll? Is finding affordable health insurance almost next to impossible? You must be very frustrated by now and yet continue to search for that one insurance policy that will suit the needs of yourself, your family, […]