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Oct 26th, 2010

Does anyone employed really understand how this new health care reform will influence his or her employer and ultimately his or her employment? There are millions of individuals who are currently unemployed because the economy is spiraling downward. When you add the insertion of this new health care reform into the equation, it is a […]

Oct 11th, 2010

One of the ideas being considered to counter the addition of all pre-existing conditions is with the formidable increase in all health insurance policies upon renewal for the coming year. You just have to wonder how this can be when the government promised lower health insurance premiums for all citizens. A second option that is […]

Oct 11th, 2010

One of the signature requirements of the new health reform bill points to all the health insurance providers. They are collectively to begin indiscriminate health insurance coverage to all children with chronic diseases and pre-existing conditions without delay. It was written into law that ninety days after the signing of the new health insurance bill […]

Sep 20th, 2010

It is so amazing to read all the laws that exist on the books and how many of them are actually enforceable. What is at odds with regard to the ever-growing list of pre-existing conditions is how the list fluctuates from year to year. Of course, this is dependent upon which pre-existing health insurance issues […]

Sep 14th, 2010

The truth about The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is simply that under the current health insurance circumstances that it was written it has become an unconstitutional document that a number of states are currently filing legal lawsuits. If this was written with blanket intent for we the people it may have had a […]

Sep 9th, 2010

How will married couples fare under this new health insurance reform? How will families with children fare under this new reformed program? It does seem there are more questions than there are answers. 1. Under the Class Act provision, create a new voluntary long-term insurance program; enrollees who have paid premiums into the program and […]

Sep 7th, 2010

How many of you understand the Internal Revenue has almost doubled in size to accommodate The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when the health insurance payments you send begin to be processed. Do we the people understand the implication for the first time in the history of this country, what is happening? When you […]

Sep 2nd, 2010

Do you have any idea just how expensive an illness or unexpected surgery can be when you have no health insurance coverage? Unless you are one of the elite few who has millions of dollars tucked safely away for a rainy day, your health care cost will only continue to increase each time you become […]

Aug 20th, 2010

Most individuals are aware of the catastrophic health insurance plans. They are probably not aware that there are two different, yet similar catastrophic health insurance plans in existence. The traditional catastrophic health insurance plan is there for the individual when they are in need of additional medical health care coverage for hospitalization and unforeseen surgery. […]

Aug 5th, 2010

There are a number of ways to manage health care, but it all begins with the personal finances of every individual and family. The health and well-being of every individual and family is the determining factor as to how much health insurance each will require to meet the demands and the needs of the individual. […]

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