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Jun 11th, 2009

Well the answer to this questions is going to surprise many readers and health insurance companies alike, but according to the World Health Organization, WHO, forty people under twenty-five died every single hour…add that up…it is an truly outrageous number!  This is the second leading cause of death in children ages five to twenty-nine, and […]

Jun 5th, 2009

There are thousands of self-employed Hoosiers who are going without health insurance coverage. All personal insurance care policies in Indiana are medically underwritten, which means there is no guaranteed issue for personal and family policies. Based on the answers you give on your application for health insurance, the underwriters will allow insurance companies to evaluate […]

May 29th, 2009

As any self-employed individual knows, health plan rates are very high. You may be paying for health coverage that you will rarely even use. Some self-employed people decide to invest in themselves, rather than making the health insurance companies rich. It often makes more sense to invest their money in their own health risk. The […]

May 28th, 2009

Health care reform is a work in progress in the state of Indiana. Even with the programs that are available, there are people who seem to fall through the cracks. Approximately 460 people died in the Hoosier state in 2008 due to the lack of health insurance. The whole country is in crisis; more than […]

May 28th, 2009

When a woman finds out she is pregnant she will begin a long series of doctor’s office visits to check her and her unborn child’s state of health. Having a baby isn’t cheap these days; maternity care is big business. The costs of office visits combined with the costs of hospital admission and all the […]

May 27th, 2009

Amish Health Insurance: How the Amish Manage Healthcare Without Traditional Insurance The Amish community is known for its simple way of life, rejecting many aspects of modern society in favor of self-reliance and tight-knit community values. One aspect of this unique lifestyle is the Amish approach to healthcare, which stands out because the Amish typically […]

May 22nd, 2009

Catastrophic health insurance policies are quite expensive but it is not that the premiums are so high; in fact the premiums are rather low. It is the deductible for catastrophic health coverage that is so high. With the economy in recession, many people are finding it rather difficult to keep health coverage. One way to […]

May 22nd, 2009

In this economy, it is very difficult for many young people and senior citizens who have small businesses to pay for their senior health insurance plans. Personal and self-employed health insurance can be very costly. The economy may not get better for a long time to come. If you look back in history, you can […]

May 20th, 2009

Being self-employed is often a very rewarding job. You can work for yourself even if you have some health care issues, such as heart, and end-stage renal disease. Many people who are dependent upon home dialysis can still lead fairly active lives. They don’t have to worry about how they will pay for their treatments, […]

May 19th, 2009

Self Employed Health Insurance Carriers The role of self-employed health insurance carriers is to collect premiums each month in return for the guarantee that the benefits stipulated in the health insurance plan will be paid out on time. Each health insurance carrier must remain solvent, which means they must be able to collect enough premiums […]

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