Nov 29th, 2010
There are a few new provisions regarding health insurance providers and medical health care that will be going into effect beginning January 1, 2011. How many senior citizens are prepared for the changes to their health care? How many senior citizens even know that changes have been made and are ready to be instituted? One […]
Nov 24th, 2010
Having one or more pre-existing conditions may not seem very serious to most individuals, but it can be very serious to those who suffer and must live their lives with them. Obviously, not all pre-existing health care conditions are life threatening, but there are many that are. Most health insurance providers include health care riders […]
Nov 22nd, 2010
Are you wondering why the American Medical Association or AMA supported the medical health care bill’s passage through Congress? The American Medical Association represents a very small portion of medical health care physicians. Most of the medical health care physicians are not enrolled with this group because they have situations they would rather develop. There […]
Nov 12th, 2010
Was everyone watching back in March 2010 when the government was getting ready to pass The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? Were you listening on the radio or watching on television all the under-the-table health insurance deals that were being passed around? It is interesting the way this government has been using the example […]
Nov 8th, 2010
There are many cuts to the current health insurance system and the health care system that will take a few years to implement, but it will happen. What will we be left with in the end? If Congress does not try to amend or repeal this newly enacted health insurance revision, we can expect many […]
Oct 29th, 2010
Is there a major reason why the health insurance providers consider pregnancy as a pre-existing condition? The most natural function to insure the future population is in danger of being pushed out of the health insurance industry. The costs for delivery, of a natural birth or a Caesarean section, are considered unnatural by the health […]
Oct 26th, 2010
Does anyone employed really understand how this new health care reform will influence his or her employer and ultimately his or her employment? There are millions of individuals who are currently unemployed because the economy is spiraling downward. When you add the insertion of this new health care reform into the equation, it is a […]
Oct 25th, 2010
Many individuals throughout the country were cautiously optimistic when the new health insurance reform bill was passed into law. A large majority of the citizenry were upset and disgusted because of the promises and underhanded deals that were discussed to help pass this health care reform bill. Most of the participants in Congress voted on […]
Oct 21st, 2010
At this point, we come to the final stage of all the health insurance changes that will occur on January 1, 2014. There is still plenty of time between now and then and by way of politics and government we the people have many opportunities to change the effects of this again before it becomes […]
Oct 18th, 2010
The questions that arise while reading this aspect of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are like reading the wish list for a shopping expedition and not a health insurance proposal with the health and welfare of the citizenry. Stories of just this are beginning to surface and The Patient Protection and Affordable Care […]