Aug 2nd, 2010
Do you know if you are covered through your affordable health insurance policy for a major event that will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to return to health? This is a difficult problem for most parents to answer, but what happens when it is one of your children who are requiring major health care? […]
Jul 29th, 2010
The majority of the population carries an affordable health insurance policy whether it is an individual health insurance policy or one that is offered through your place of employment. When you already have a health insurance policy, how do you know if you require more health insurance or a catastrophic health insurance policy for emergencies? […]
Jul 28th, 2010
Unless you already have a comprehensive health insurance policy, pregnancy, and health insurance just do not blend well together in the same sentence. Pregnancy, or Maternity benefits is considered a pre-existing condition by the health insurance providers and they will reuse you health insurance coverage when you are already pregnant. Where do you go to […]
Jul 27th, 2010
The passage of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is going to cost the United States of America, mainly we the people trillions of dollars before it is fully implemented and even more money after this new health insurance is implemented. Now for a few more of the government mandated health insurance rules, laws, […]
Jul 26th, 2010
With regard to health insurance coverage plans there are a number of issues, which are candidates for denial. Of course, most of these conditions of denial refer to the pre-existing conditions, but they are denials of health insurance benefits just the same. You can be denied health insurance coverage for a pre-existing condition for up […]
Jul 23rd, 2010
Though many individuals and families do have affordable health insurance coverage, the numbers do fluctuate from time to time as those who are employed either change their place of employment or find they are unemployed. The way the entire system was set up many years ago was that when an individual was in between employment […]
Jul 16th, 2010
On September 23, 2010, there will be another round of health insurance issues through the newly mandated, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which will unleash a few more of the new laws, rules, and regulations for, we the people to become accustomed. A few of the new health insurance laws going into effect […]
Jul 13th, 2010
The state of obesity whether with concerns regarding children or concerning adults seems to be taking center stage on the national realm? There is a number of health care issues that stem from obesity, but that is not a hard and fast rule. Obesity has been brought up in conversation with medical health care physicians, […]
Jul 12th, 2010
Those individuals who are employed and have access to affordable health insurance are the fortunate individuals in society. Other individuals have low-cost health insurance through Medicare and then there is Medicaid for the less fortunate. These individuals will have basic health insurance coverage at best and when there are, children involved the state steps into […]
Jul 8th, 2010
Individuals who experienced a catastrophic mishap and find they are the victim of burns know the healthcare costs for the road to recovery are going to be beyond what their health insurance provider can sustain. When there are family members available it would be a good idea for them to file for financial assistance on […]