Aug 16th, 2013
We’re still fat, but we’re not getting much fatter is the finding of a new report from the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The report found that the overall obesity rates in America (all but one state) held steady in contrast to the 30-year trend of overall increases. Woo […]
Jul 10th, 2013
Congratulations America! We did it! We’re no longer the world’s fattest developed country! It’s time to celebrate with cupcakes maybe? According to a new report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the percent of obesity in America among adults is 31.8 percent, which is just one percent lower than the new reigning champion […]
Apr 5th, 2012
As of a February 2012 statistics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that 35.7% (or more than one third) of American adults are obese. Obesity is also becoming an epidemic among children and adolescents. Children as young as 2 years old are found to be obese. A third of America’s children […]
Feb 2nd, 2012
Most individuals go about their daily business and give very little concern to the status of their health. This oversight is mainly because everyone is busy trying to make a living and provide for themselves and their families. One could say that individual health care is something that we all take for granted until we […]
Nov 15th, 2010
Individuals suffering and living with pre-existing medical health care conditions have a difficult time with health insurance coverage. Those individuals who have been enrolled with a reputable health insurance provider fare much better than any individual in search of health insurance coverage does. This applies to adults and for their children. Most adults who are […]
Jul 9th, 2009
American cooking is good. Some people would go as far as to say that no better food can be found anywhere on the planet. However, despite as good as American cooking may be, are Americans eating healthy? The fact is the way Americans eat is causing a health crisis at this time. All those pastries […]