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Affordable Insurance Plans

Jul 15th, 2009

affordable insuranceIt really is a shame how hard it is for individuals who are self employed. The hours devoted to keeping their start up business running and viable in a society that is virtually crumbling all around them. Yet, they continuously keep moving forward determined to make their business work. Finding an affordable insurance plan used to be next to impossible, but today in the state of New York this is becoming a thing of the past.

In depth medical insurance policies are being written and underwritten to bring quality, affordable medical health care to every resident within the state. This has now become a long over due correction that was badly needed. Now the self employed can also sign up with any number of group plans for those carry fifty employees or less on their payroll. This New York law was changed in 2002 and has provided insurance to a much larger portion of the population. Between the various insurance companies:

  1. HMO’s offer the most affordable rates, though with an assigned provider
  2. PPO’s offer respectable rates and offer more freedom of choice of provider.
  3. Other available plans offer more adequate services, but become costly.

It is a major challenge and a shift in policy to acknowledge the plight of self insured. The state of New York has done a fantastic job to play a roll in the ever changing, re-arranging of the medical care system whether you life upstate, downstate or on the island. The changes that have been implements, though not necessarily for the self employed, the self employed have gained greatly over the past number of years. The benefits are now shown widespread throughout the state. The objection is to have all residents participate in the plan of their choice.

Standard plans with hospitalization would vary from one plan to another.

Single                       (EPO) $192.43    (PPO) $380.01                (HSA) $383.15

Single & Spouse                       490.69                 723.01                   842.93

Single & Children                      490.69                 723.01                   708.83

As the future progresses will we be able to judge if these sweeping changes have helped or hindered the plight of the self employed. With an insurance plan in their back pocket so to speak can only enhance the rest and relaxation the majority are Then, to top it all off with a variety of Insurance Providers  to help the system as a whole run smoother than it ever has in the past. The offers are plentiful and the list of health care providers is also growing at a very rapid rate.

The multitude of medical provider’s coverage range from individual coverage to the family plan and everything else in between. The pricing for the insurance coverage has also become more affordable today that it has been in the past.


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