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Getting that Self-employed Health Insurance Plan in Florida

May 29th, 2009

self-employed health insuranceDo not make the mistake of opening a new business or going into business for yourself in the state of Florida and think that you can get insured immediately. Even though you may want to take care of everything at once, the window for applying for a self-employed health insurance plan is not open all year round. You will need to plan ahead and get a good understanding of what a self-employed health insurance plan can do to make your life and your business concerns easier. Plan ahead in purchasing coverage through your business and then grab that window of opportunity to enroll, which is in August of each year so that yours will be effective for October. Yes, it is unfortunate but the enrollment date for health plans in Florida is but once a year.

When you are looking at the budget for your business of one (you) you need to know that insurance plans off the cuff are more expensive than group plans for small businesses of no less than two employees and no more than fifty employees. At this point, since you are only concerned with your own health coverage needs and not those of any employees, which you do not have, you may also look into personal  plans as well as self-employed health plans.

The main point is that you have a health plan and you are covered. Even if you are young and healthy you never know when something may happen and if you become ill, without proper coverage you may not be able to continue running your business and remaining gainfully employed.

What is good about being covered  in the State of Florida as someone that is self employed is that once accepted, carriers  are mandated by law to accept your enrollment to a self-employed plan regardless of your state of health. That means even if you have a pre-existing health condition you are accepted, even if you opened up your own business because you were not well enough to work for an employer, or work a full workweek, or guarantee that your health would allow you to make it into work every day, you are covered!

Another problem for self-employed individuals without group health insurance coverage offered by large employers, is the concern about maternity leave or maternity health coverage. It stands to reason that having a baby costs a lot of money for health care with doctor visits, and so on. Then there is the added pressure of taking time off of work and the loss of income that would also entail. Self-employed women can rest assured that Florida State insurers are mandated by law to provide maternity coverage for self-employed women who need health care and are intending on starting, or adding to their existing family.


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