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International Health Insurance for Self-Employed Small Business Owners

May 6th, 2009

International Health InsuranceEvery American realizes the importance of having decent health care coverage for self and family, but what happens if you are an expatriate living in another country and working abroad? Perhaps you are self-employed and you work on contract work in America and aboard. Let’s face it there are many Americans who have to go where the job leads them. For some people it is a matter of finance and for other people it is because their job is so specialized it is in high demand. Either way you will want to make sure you are covered abroad through international health insurance. International health care can solve concerns that need addressing in the country that you reside in. However, if you find while living outside of America you succumb to a rare or a fatal disease, you may want to return home to family while you are getting treatment. If you stationed in countries such as china or the Middle East for example you may feel more secure coming home to get the best health care coverage in world-renowned centers such as The Mayo Clinic, and the John Hopkins Center for cancer treatment. You do not need to go through the horrors of radiation and chemotherapy, isolated in a foreign land.

However, what you need to know is that in order to keep down the premiums, not all international health care plans provide for treatment coverage back home in America. Therefore you would have to make certain you have this coverage in order to cover all your bases.

International health care is not limited to personal plans. If you are self-employed you can also obtain a plan for your employees who must work outside America and need health care coverage as well. Self-employed health insurance coverage on a group insurance plan is also available through companies such as Expat Financial. As a self-employed business person sending your employees overseas to represent your small company, perform services abroad, or buy and sell goods etc, you may find that your employees may not be willing to go if you cannot guarantee coverage from their dental and health care needs. Having your international self-employed insurance coverage can make it that much easier for you to assure them of a safe and healthy short or long-term business trip.

One important thing to remember is that your employees may not be in a foreign country long enough to qualify for health insurance, or you have no way to ascertain if third world group or self-employed insurance plans are really up to the standard your American employees have come to rely on. Similarly, if you have employees in different parts of the world, do you really want to contract with several group or self-employed health insurance providers? This could amount to a lot of legal paper work. One policy covering global health coverage would solve that problem and let you get back to the business of running your business.

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