A New Beginning With Health Care Reform
Feb 11th, 2011
The status of the entire insurance industry has been turned upside down with no end in sight. The passage of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has caused much dissatisfaction among all citizens of the country. It is becoming difficult to understand what fact is and is not because of the rhetoric that is being attributed to the bill. How the health insurance industry will fare when all the dust settles will surface over the next few years.
The rising insurance cost across the board is causing more individuals to opt out of what was once an affordable health insurance policy. This has infiltrated throughout the entire population and even the self-employed are finding it very difficult to continue with their long-standing insurance policy. Many in the self-employed community are now discontinuing their self-employed health insurance until they can understand what is occurring with the insurance industry.
The passage of the health care reform bill has written into it a state insurance exchange program that is to be beneficial for all those individuals who are unable to purchase health insurance at an affordable rate. There will be a range of affordable health insurance options to choose from but this will not be in place until 2014.
Those self-employed entrepreneurs who maintain an annual salary under fifty thousand dollars will also qualify for a subsidy reimbursement of up to thirty-five percent of their annual insurance costs. This is still looking good only on paper and we the people will have to wait to see what does materialize and what does not materialize over the next few years.
However, small business operators and freelance and self-employed entrepreneurs will need to find creative ways to secure a low-cost health insurance policy to hold them over until the state insurance exchanges (i.e. New York State of Health) are ready to accept clients in 2014. Will the state insurance exchanges be all they can be or will this be a cover to introduce the government-run single-payer insurance system to the public?
At the moment, this is difficult to say and leaves many citizens to wonder what will be presented when the time comes. Until these are up and running it will be possible, but difficult for the self-employed to find affordable insurance and health care that will include most of what they are searching for in an insurance policy. We will see how this develops over the next few years.
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